
Breathing life into Generation ONE!

Thanks for taking the time to stop and read this post.  I really want people to understand what it is that God has placed in my heart in the last few months.

I'm excited to see all that God is allowing to come together in this season of discovery and enlargement.  Melissa and I have never seen God and His favor like we have in the last 8 months.  wow.  Favor in all things.  Finances, Healing, Revelation, and even more importantly with dynamic relationships.  I'm overwhelmed at the relationships that God has brought into Melissa and I's life.  They've been lifelines... helping us to see His goodness in the midst of every situation.

Generation One is coming along tremendously.  We are launching a summer mini conference series themed ::ACTIVATE:: .  I know this series is going to be powerful.  It's starting on June 24th and will follow in the months of July, August and September.  I'm looking forward to having guest Stuart Greaves from ONEthing in town as a guest speaker along with myself for this first event.  The Lord begin to speak to me that His church was about to have a breakthru in their identity.  He told me that if a message of His love and goodness could be released, that we would see unity between the generations and as a result renewal would be sustained.  As I continued to seek out what this would look like I began to be inspired with three essential expressions or movements that will be needed.  ACTIVATE. EMPOWER.RELEASE.  Each of these experiences represent upgrades to who we are and our effectiveness to actually live out a life of "greater things."

ACTIVATE:  This has everything to do with the presence of God.  I can only think of how powerful the experience of Moses was to actually dwell in the presence of the almighty God, but even greater to call Him friend.  Those who find Him in His presence will become His companion.  The presence is the beginning of our encounter that God is real.  In His presence we find out what He's really really like.  This leads to a message of Individual identity as it relates to God.  There is a strong reinforcement of the prophetic as well.  This helps us begin to see ourselves the way that God sees us.

EMPOWER: This experience is really about equipping believers with the understanding of how their call relates to their identity.  Strong teaching is needed on five fold ministry, spiritual gifts and corporate Identity.  This essentially is our toolbox to operate from.

RELEASE: This could have easily beeen mobilize if any other word.  It simply speaks of what it looks like to live a life that always has us in His presence.  Knowing who we are as well as knowing what tools we have to be a living demonstration of His goodness towards those in our realm of influence.   It's the sending that we're all called to on a daily basis and answers the question of "what does it look like to share the goodness as Jesus did, in our modern era?"  With truth and a supernatural experience.

I believe that the increase of young revivalists along with committed Father's and Mother's in this season will build a bridge for a sustained visitation like none other.

These are some of the core themes that resonate within Generation One and others.  I look forward to be a conduit for fresh streams to find their way into our region that we could see our city rise like never before.  What a great story it is going to be for us to share...

More to come soon...