
Stories Of The Naturally Supernatural

Well, my wife should be typing this... but she still hasn't put her blog together.  YELL at her for me.  :)  So here I go, not talking about a TV show, but penning out a few remarkable stories that have hit our life lately...

First of all, I'd like to say that there are usually two camps that exist when it comes to the supernatural.  There are the obvious skeptics and then there's the heretics that everyone thinks is crazy.  Well, I believe that when it comes to the supernatural, that we have to embrace that fact that we have a human spirit and ignoring it only allows us to live in half the realm that we were created to live in.  If we're going to actually see greater things than the ministry of Jesus Christ (like He said we would do) it's going to take people who are willing to take risks of acknowledging God's love and goodness in all situations and connecting our spirit with His spirit.

When it comes to signs and wonders, one of the many pitfalls can be that the experience becomes a distraction from who created the experience.  We can't seek signs that make you wonder, we seek what the signs point to... and it's Jesus.  It's all about demonstrating and encountering Jesus.  Jesus is perfect theology. One of the other pitfalls is that a lot of people foolishly declare things that have happened without actually making sure it wasn't just a feel good moment with some coffee.  If signs and wonders are going to have credibility, people need to handle them with the upmost integrity.

Enough disclaimers... how about some amazing stories?

Three weeks ago, after hearing a remarkable story of God healing a lady's back that was supported with a titanium rod, a call was made from the stage (we were at a conference) that maybe God would want to heal others with metal in their bodies.  Well, being the instigator I am, I of course nudged my wife because of the metal screws she has in her knee from ACL replacement surgery 13 years ago.  (Melissa has had limited mobility in her knee since her surgery.  She can't kneel/sit on the floor.  She has instability on stairs and needed slight support especially if carrying something.  She couldn't do dips or lunges either.  These were all mild symptoms, but there nonetheless and she had just accepted them as a way of life.)  Melissa stood up.  We released the goodness of God's love thru prayer into her knee.  She was met with an overwhelming warm sensation right on the knee and instantly had a fully restored knee.  The following monday she did lunges at the gym for the first time in 13 years.  Absolutely no pain in her knee anymore.

Thursday night, while our team was ministering in Lansing with Jeremy Riddle, we had a man come for prayer for his hand.  He pulled out his Iphone and showed us Xrays from the fracture he had suffered just less than two weeks prior.  We prayed. His swelling went down instantly.  He removed his brace/wrap.  We asked if he had any more pain.  He said no.  Andrew Mancina gently grabbed his hand in a "shaking hands" grip.  With levels of questions and tighter grips after each response of no pain, Andrew finalized with the best death grip he could muster!  NO PAIN. NO SWELLING.  Bone healed.

The pastor of the church in Lansing we were with had not been able to get a good nights rest in over 3 years.  His sleep pattern would only allow for segments of sleep no longer than 90 minutes and then he'd have to get up and find ways to distract himself back to sleep.  He'd sleep for another 90 mins and repeat.  We had a massive release of hope in this service.  He felt dynamicly imparted into in this moment of release.  That night he slept 9 hours straight for the first time in 3 years!  God cares about rest!!!!

Friday night, I received a word of knowledge that there was  women with a right hip issue and I asked who it was.  A middle aged women raised her hand.  We found out she had fallen and hurt her hip about a year ago.  She had sustained a mild limp and could not put much weight on it.  When she stood, she was instantly healed!  Who needs hands laid on them when you're in the presence?  She was jumping up and down full of the joy of the Lord.  She had no pain and no limp.

Tonight, I was with someone in Caribou that had sustained a pinched nerve of sorts in their back from a longboarding injury.  For the last month they couldn't sit up straight without massive pain.  Without knowing of the injury I begin to share of God's goodness and love to be healer followed by some of these wonderful stories... wouldn't you know it, he was overcome by the presence of God feeling massive warmth in the exact area of his back his pain was at.  Healed... from listening to testimonies.  God is that good.  :)

God is doing GREAT things.  We don't have to beg, we simply discover His goodness in that moment that is already in place.  God is healer and I'm forever grateful He's willing to use anyone who's willing to take risks and see His kingdom come to earth.