

I walked into the store the other day and I noticed I was within close proximity of five different people who were wearing the colors green and white. For all of you non-Michiganders, they were representing the Spartans of Michigan State University.  This was the most public display of that team’s spirit I’ve ever witnessed in a 30-foot radius that I can think of and not be in Lansing itself.  If you don’t know, the University Of Michigan Wolverines dominate the general fair weather college sports fan here in the mitten, but MSU is rising in their visible fan base.  Why?

They are putting together a culture of winning.

Have you ever met anyone who seriously wants to lose for the enjoyment of not winning?   There’s something innately powerful about being apart of the winning team that every single person on earth connects with.  The more MSU is winning, the more people are proud to show their support and show they believe in the team.

Winning builds momentum.

I think we could easily cite pop-culture phenomenon Charlie Sheen, and see how even with #winning defined as milking the system catapults movement.  Many churches in America have big plans in “forwarding” their initiatives with the end result filling up their buildings and having some level of notoriety. Is this true success in God?  Is this the cause we’re looking to champion? Don’t get me wrong, I believe in products, marketing, having a following and the funds necessary to do it things at a high level.  It’s all a part of life, but do these things define success in forwarding the gospel? It’s success if your whole goal is only exposure.  There are lots of gimmicks we can all do to build awareness that Jesus exists, but if we’ve not given them a taste of who He is beyond words, what success do really have to mention of?  Just because I told you about MSU doesn’t make you want to be a fan.  You need to encounter them winning to be a FANantic.

How do we measure the success of forwarding the Gospel?

I believe it’s really easy to put the cart before the horse when wanting to build a movement that transcends walls or a specific gathering.  The first step the church has routinely taken was to upgrade their infrastructure, communication, budget and marketing.  “Maybe if we convince them we’re cool, they’ll want to hang out with us.”  I am immensely grateful that we no longer need to speak in King James Version to be spiritual and that those who wore pretentious suits and ties are fading. However, does this mean we are winning a generation over because we’re more agreeable culturally?  I believe winning is simple and keeping the focus on Jesus in the midst of all our creative tools-essential.  I’m not here to convince anyone of Jesus.  I’m here to give them Jesus.  When I’ve given a person an encounter with Jesus (His truth, love and power) it gives them an experience that turns them into a fan.  They encounter the Win of the Gospel, which is bigger than a one time prayer; it’s the beginning of transformation.

I’m not here to “win souls”.  I’m here to see lives completely transformed - body, soul and spirit.

I don’t want people to agree with me in a moment.  I want them to be lost for words for what they just experienced, for there to be such a heavy hunger immediately birthed in their life to want to KNOW who and where this came from.  A true experience with Jesus will mark a person to want to follow Him all the days of their life.  Our #winning is not in our gatherings alone, but should mostly be defined by the story of lives lived out in the workplace, school and home.  If we don’t take Jesus with us everywhere we go, what’s the point of sacrificing your life to follow Him?  There’s no shame in representing what you would be willing to die for. The motive is not judgment, conversational strong arm or behavior focused fire hosing.  If we lead people to the lap of Jesus, He’ll take care of the rest. 

That’s a win.

Can you imagine a whole tribe of people who have encountered transformation being a true visible demonstration of God’s truth, love and power?  Fans don’t need to “sell” or try to convince people of their team, they just point to the score board.  As believers we’re not fighting for victory, we’re fighting FROM victory.  It's not striving, it's rest.  Jesus paid it all for me to win in this life. Are you merely regurgitating faith based propaganda or are you a FANatic?  Let’s build a tribe of believers who actually believe and live out FULL Jesus.  The world is watching to see if the church can actually win.  They'll notice our culture of winning not when we tell them, but when they are completely surrounded by more fans in a 30 foot radius than they can remember and it not be at church itself.  

Written by: Drew Neal
Edited by: Brett Whitefield


Short Excerpt From Forthcoming Book Project...

"We the church, are called to live a life that is victorious and never short of inspiring, but maybe we have lost our understanding of exactly how powerful the gospel is in a global context.   Our thoughts typically have radiated towards the church organization and it's success.  There's fruit of this within our big buildings, large gatherings and good coffee, but i think it's time to expand our thought.  First, to have an enlarged perspective of who we are, we need an enlarged perspective of who God is.  If we're not seeing success in a realm, we have to know it's only the absence of believing that God already has in His character everything we would ever need to be successful in that realm.  Secondly, many people talk about having a “world view” and as that expands, you are able to see things more clearly.   I would pose that as a body of believers, we've settled on having a “church view” alone rather than having a “kingdom view” (which includes all understanding of the church).  The church is not a destination of upmost arrival but a launch pad into the kingdom.   Jesus came preaching the coming of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, which should lead us to define what it looks like to live a life with no limits in the kingdom and how that impacts every sphere of influence."


Stories Of The Naturally Supernatural

Well, my wife should be typing this... but she still hasn't put her blog together.  YELL at her for me.  :)  So here I go, not talking about a TV show, but penning out a few remarkable stories that have hit our life lately...

First of all, I'd like to say that there are usually two camps that exist when it comes to the supernatural.  There are the obvious skeptics and then there's the heretics that everyone thinks is crazy.  Well, I believe that when it comes to the supernatural, that we have to embrace that fact that we have a human spirit and ignoring it only allows us to live in half the realm that we were created to live in.  If we're going to actually see greater things than the ministry of Jesus Christ (like He said we would do) it's going to take people who are willing to take risks of acknowledging God's love and goodness in all situations and connecting our spirit with His spirit.

When it comes to signs and wonders, one of the many pitfalls can be that the experience becomes a distraction from who created the experience.  We can't seek signs that make you wonder, we seek what the signs point to... and it's Jesus.  It's all about demonstrating and encountering Jesus.  Jesus is perfect theology. One of the other pitfalls is that a lot of people foolishly declare things that have happened without actually making sure it wasn't just a feel good moment with some coffee.  If signs and wonders are going to have credibility, people need to handle them with the upmost integrity.

Enough disclaimers... how about some amazing stories?

Three weeks ago, after hearing a remarkable story of God healing a lady's back that was supported with a titanium rod, a call was made from the stage (we were at a conference) that maybe God would want to heal others with metal in their bodies.  Well, being the instigator I am, I of course nudged my wife because of the metal screws she has in her knee from ACL replacement surgery 13 years ago.  (Melissa has had limited mobility in her knee since her surgery.  She can't kneel/sit on the floor.  She has instability on stairs and needed slight support especially if carrying something.  She couldn't do dips or lunges either.  These were all mild symptoms, but there nonetheless and she had just accepted them as a way of life.)  Melissa stood up.  We released the goodness of God's love thru prayer into her knee.  She was met with an overwhelming warm sensation right on the knee and instantly had a fully restored knee.  The following monday she did lunges at the gym for the first time in 13 years.  Absolutely no pain in her knee anymore.

Thursday night, while our team was ministering in Lansing with Jeremy Riddle, we had a man come for prayer for his hand.  He pulled out his Iphone and showed us Xrays from the fracture he had suffered just less than two weeks prior.  We prayed. His swelling went down instantly.  He removed his brace/wrap.  We asked if he had any more pain.  He said no.  Andrew Mancina gently grabbed his hand in a "shaking hands" grip.  With levels of questions and tighter grips after each response of no pain, Andrew finalized with the best death grip he could muster!  NO PAIN. NO SWELLING.  Bone healed.

The pastor of the church in Lansing we were with had not been able to get a good nights rest in over 3 years.  His sleep pattern would only allow for segments of sleep no longer than 90 minutes and then he'd have to get up and find ways to distract himself back to sleep.  He'd sleep for another 90 mins and repeat.  We had a massive release of hope in this service.  He felt dynamicly imparted into in this moment of release.  That night he slept 9 hours straight for the first time in 3 years!  God cares about rest!!!!

Friday night, I received a word of knowledge that there was  women with a right hip issue and I asked who it was.  A middle aged women raised her hand.  We found out she had fallen and hurt her hip about a year ago.  She had sustained a mild limp and could not put much weight on it.  When she stood, she was instantly healed!  Who needs hands laid on them when you're in the presence?  She was jumping up and down full of the joy of the Lord.  She had no pain and no limp.

Tonight, I was with someone in Caribou that had sustained a pinched nerve of sorts in their back from a longboarding injury.  For the last month they couldn't sit up straight without massive pain.  Without knowing of the injury I begin to share of God's goodness and love to be healer followed by some of these wonderful stories... wouldn't you know it, he was overcome by the presence of God feeling massive warmth in the exact area of his back his pain was at.  Healed... from listening to testimonies.  God is that good.  :)

God is doing GREAT things.  We don't have to beg, we simply discover His goodness in that moment that is already in place.  God is healer and I'm forever grateful He's willing to use anyone who's willing to take risks and see His kingdom come to earth.


ONE.WORSHIP Event Series

I'm really excited about this week.  I have guest Jeremy Riddle coming to partner with me on building awareness for an upcoming conference training entitled ONE.WORSHIP happening in the spring of 2012.   

Jeremy Riddle is a worship leader/pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  He is one of the main inspirations and influences to all the music coming out of Bethel Church through Jesus Culture Music and Bethel Music.  He has released his new album "Furious" and it's getting a great response.

Don't miss this FREE series.   We'll be in Lansing and Metro Detroit this week and we'd love to connect with you.  


Sheepwalking 101

I was driving to the office this morning and found myself caught in a small road construction project.  I was turning left onto South Blvd (a 4 lane road) from the service drive of the M-59 exit ramp.  The inside lane of South Blvd was closed and had the notorious orange barrels blocking it.  The closed lane wasn't inhabited by any construction vehicles as the work was only being done in the median by a backhoe.

The interesting thing about the open lane was that it had three sections of the road removed and prepped for resurfacing.  The prep work was about 80% complete, but there was still a 2-3 inch dip that was noticeable.  They had heaped asphalt on the transitions to make for a pretty bumpy ride, but that's what they needed us to do... travel a road that was under construction.   The closed lane had no vehicles working on it... and the open lane had uncomfortable travel conditions.  Hmmm....

It was visually confusing unless you read the signs.

The leading vehicle at the stop light was a truck and it was four cars ahead of me.  It was obviously dusty, the color orange and had a big white decal.  When the light turned green, the truck turned left onto the open lane and then immediately veered between two barrels into the closed lane and continued down a ways.  The three cars behind the truck followed suit.

When is it ever a good idea to follow a construction truck thru barrels into a closed lane?

When the open lane is uncomfortable to drive on and the person leading you breaks the boundary.

The lane wasn't closed because it was being worked on, it was closed because the backhoe was swinging his bucket into the space and needed the liberty of knowing vehicles weren't needing to be accounted for.
I didn't follow suit.  I drove the road in front of me.  The open road.  The road that we were being asked to drive on and guess what... all the people behind me followed suit.

Outside of the awkward lineup at the next stop light 500 feet down the road, there wasn't any damage to vehicles... just a few damaged egos pulling out of the closed lane and trying to merge into a single lane, but how often do we find our selves acting like sheep being herded and just following the butt in front of us? Seth Godin in his book "Tribes" calls it sheep walking.  It's the art of not thinking and thus not leading.  It's the theory that if the person in front of you did it and didn't die, it must be the right way when all signs point otherwise.  Sometimes we just need to lift our head up and read the signs.

People are longing to be lead.  They will follow you on a road that is closed and they'll follow a leader that takes them down the road that has a few obstacles but ultimately brings you the destination that yields the most productive result.

What will you be?  A sheep walker? or someone who's willing to count the cost of being right or wrong, read, and make a good decision?  Everyone around you is looking for permission to do the right thing.  Be the first and watch the culture shift in your sphere of influence.


The New Breed Of Church Leaders

These are not always comfortable, but these are the attributes of our leaders necessary for this next season of the kingdom of God being released in the earth.
  1. Being a revolutionary – questioning the old ways of doing things
  2. Being an innovator – creating new and powerful ways to do things
  3. Being a creative – giving birth and expression to new and powerful ideas
  4. Being a performer – pushing the boundaries and thinking in new ways that lead to improved results
  5. Being a seeker – gaining a deeper and better understanding of the world
  6. Being a visionary – having an expanded vision of what is possible and what is worthwhile
  7. Being an independent – thinking independently for yourself
  8. Being wise – gaining a different and informed perspective
  9. Being a leader – having the courage to discover and and express your individual uniqueness
  10. Being a change agent – leading people or groups through change
  11. Being committed – committing to making a difference
  12. Being authentic – discovering who you are, and having the courage to bring your true self to the world you live in


Is God Really In Control?

I could be wrong, but I think it was Shirley Caesar that sang it... "God's got it all in control, He's got it all in control.  He took that reassurance and put it way down deep in my soul. God's got it all in control." She would get her SANG on... if you know what I mean.  We used to blare this and many other old Gospel tunes in the house growing up as a child in the early 80's.  I also wanted to be a black gospel singer sooo bad.  Shirley Caesar and Andre Crouch inspired me.  The only problem is that I'm white... lol so that obviously didn't work out for me.  Sidetrack... now back on track.  (one other note: It's amazing to see how our theology works itself out in our songs of worship, that's why we're constantly needing new worship songs to show our greater revelation of who He is to us as His companion)  We sang this song because it's what we believed, but what we were not connecting with is that we were mistaking control for God being Lord over all things, being in charge.  Having a great plan and executing His perfect will... thru people who also have a will.  (Rom. 12)

Control and complete love cannot co-exist.  Love is birthed out of freedom of choice.  Control takes away options and leaves only one path.  While sometimes this is exercised for good reason, its primary motivation is fear. Perfect love casts out fear.  (I John 3 & 4)

Melissa and I have been learning how to raise our children in a freedom culture ("Loving Your Kids On Purpose" is a must read!), not a culture of control.  I was raised with pretty strong conservative discipline and it worked with my behavior.  I've turned out pretty good too,  I'm a provider for family.  Never went to Jail.  I honor people of authority.  I learned how to work hard.  Growing up I said yes ma'am and yes sir.  I never told my parents "no".  Seriously... I don't remember a time I back talked to my parents growing up.  It was never an option.

The only thing it didn't do, was unite my heart with my father and mother.  THAT was a problem.

Love is the most powerful source that exists in human experience.  It's the greatest motivation for life.  Every person created on the earth is designed to desire to be loved.  It's in our DNA.  While many find versions of love thru many different facets, the reality of God's love with the most complete form is found in our revelation of Jesus and His character. Jesus was the perfect picture of love in action.  His love towards "sinners" or pre-christians as I've heard it, the poor (in spirit and wealth), the business owner,  the dejected, government officials and the sick are amazing.  He understood how perfect love would bring their life in line with God's greatest intention of why He created them in the first place.  Thru love they would discover who they really are and begin living that way.  In the midst of living that way, all other behavior and desires would begin to align or fall to the way side.  They were loved INTO living the life God created for them to live.  The love they encountered met their greatest desires which in turn, changed their behavior.  Jesus walked in this revelation between Him and the father as well.  He had to exercise self-control over His own will to perform the will of God.   God didn't make Jesus die.  He loved Jesus into a place of surrender that allowed Him to choose to die.  It was a choice of freedom for Jesus.

We have to die for freedom.  We have to kill for control.

While my upbringing changed my behavior, it rarely changed my heart because control usually places emphasis on performance.  It breaks the  spirit and confuses the mind.  It yeilds purely an external transformation.  Control has a core value of performance and low value on what was happening internally.  While I'm thankful for parents that had strong conviction (that conviction has led them into many new great places of freedom today!) and did their best to raise me to be the man of God I am today... this one element still plays into our relationship today at the age of 32.  We have talked often about it and have had many healing conversations, but it's an ongoing journey of new trust being formed and hearts being truly open to receive from one another.  We're in a perfecting process.  Love offers responsibility with one another's heart while control never creates a safe place for the hidden places of the heart to be encountered.  Every choice we make has to take in account the ones we love and how it will affect our whole sphere of influence.  Love surrenders joyfully because it prefers others over itself.  It believes that success however defined is something that is reaped not conjured or strived into.  The bible says we plant and water seeds, but it's God who makes the plant grow.  Notice that the plant needs to be a seed planted or "surrendered into the earth" before God ever gets involved.  He asks for our permission every time because He wants our heart, not our "orderly" behavior.  The cross already paid the price of our behavior.

The bible actually never says that God is in control of us. The only emphasis on control is found in Galations when Paul spoke of the fruit of the spirit.  One of them being "self-control".  How can self-control be a fruit of the Spirit and yet God still control us?  Even when Control is initiated out of protection for those who don't know better, there needs to be a massive understanding of responsibility of equipping those who don't see the snares in their future and a willingness to guide them thru their circumstance.  This will cost you something.  Your time, your energy, your grace and more importantly... your love.  Control costs you nothing.  The moment we control them, is the moment they disengage their heart and their brain to think for themselves.  This is how immature adults are raised up all over society and even the pervasive mindset of entitlement that has a stronghold on the next generation, it's all founded out of control.

We as Christians have used "God is in control" theology as a scape goat for a lot of bad decisions we have made.  It's time for us as the church/christians to accept responsibility for all our actions.  We need healing.  We need to enter a perfecting process that the church can be trusted again.  That love and freedom can reign.

God is in charge and He decided that Love would prevail over all things.


Generation ONE Event coming soon:

wsg Drew Neal, Chris Cook & Brett Whitefield.
Also featuring Generation ONE Music!
July 23rd
Teaching sessions on how you can encounter your ministry and purpose plus a "Soak" Worship session to end the night.
Donations taken at registration.

See for more info.


Honor & Future Dreams or Control & Rebellion

I had some really good seared salmon last week.  It was Melissa and I's anniversary (we celebrated nine years!) on tuesday and we had the chance to go out on a much overdue date night.  Neither of us are huge raw fish fans.  While sushi is a favorite, we've been spoiled by american precooked dishes that lighten the load so to speak.  It's funny how I have to make a conscious choice to follow thru on eating raw fish after I order it, whether a seared filet or served rolled up in rice.  When done correctly, I enjoy it tremendously but there's still that hesitation that is encountered.  I wonder how difficult it would be if I had grown up eating it all my life?  I'm not scared of grease laden fried chicken, maybe I should be? (thank you southern cookin'!) Anything that is new or different than what has been typical within our sphere of influence will always trigger flags in our brain.

It's natural to reject new thought.

Our brain has a powerful ability to reject new things from our conscious realm and push back into known paths that have been traveled year after year thru the subconscious.  Let's face it, our brain likes to keep things as comfy as possible.  98% of brain power is used to facilitate the subconscious realm.  That's a lot of energy placed towards keeping our mind free. The challenge comes when we experience something that is vital to our future and our subconscious isn't feeling very hospitable.  The attempted rejection of new thoughts and ideas can be overcome, but really taxes our brain to forge new paths.  This in turn allows old paths to gradually grow back in that we would not find them as easy to go down.

New thinking is a choice consciously reinforced.

I was in Chicago a few weeks ago at a leaders meeting.  Banning Liebscher spoke of his love for revival history and how that so many great things have happened in the midst of these eras.  He mentioned that one of the many desires of his and Jesus Culture as a whole is to see the restoration of spiritual fathers and mothers and that their increase in numbers is mandatory for a movement to be sustained. One of the losses in previous movements was the lack of unity between generations.  The older generation generally has a greater desire and need for honor.  Because of the sacrifice of forging new paths (without the support of generations before them or father figures) and counting the cost of birthing what was the beginning of their dreams, it can be challenging to release the favor that you never found for yourself or even know how to give favor if you've never walked in it.   Meanwhile, the younger generation longs for those who've gone before them to embrace the dreams that are in their heart a help them discover the means to see those become reality.  A generation without dreaming has a dead future, so the challenge seen throughout history is young people won't stop if they don't have support.  Then end result:  we have new trails being blazed but with a wake of destruction left in the dust.

Two great desires of worthy generations... one huge divide.

Honor and future dreams.  Let's just be honest.  Leaders go first.  Movement without self-control just does as much damage as good because it's always partnered with a conclusions of disappointment and protest.  This is fruit that rivals what it really looks like to walk in the spirit.  The question has to be asked of how do spiritual fathers and mothers teach and raise up honorable sons and in turn receive their dreams?  We have a fatherless generation on our hands.   One in three children in America are being raised without a father role active in their life while some stats say over 40%.  Believers (the church) are going to have to step in to help fill the gap of fathering in a powerful way and it can't be in a way of control because that will always lead to rebellion.   The essential value of allowing there to be choice that always benefits those who are learning from the fathers has to be in place.

Control always produces rebellion. So who has the greater responsibility in producing a healthy movement? Leaders or dreamers?

Like every time I eat raw fish and have to reaffirm my decision to order it by then eating it (and then being reminded about how good it is), the fathers of this era are going to have to learn what it looks like to father in a new way and constantly reaffirm that decision with action.  A movement is on our doorsteps as a greater revelation of Kingdom is being given to the church.  Fathering isn't fathering when it produces protest, confusion or separation. It should produce honor, peace, righteousness and more importantly... love.  Give and it will be given.  Fathers? Sons? it's time to unite and merge our hearts.

Generational Events that support this message:


Breathing life into Generation ONE!

Thanks for taking the time to stop and read this post.  I really want people to understand what it is that God has placed in my heart in the last few months.

I'm excited to see all that God is allowing to come together in this season of discovery and enlargement.  Melissa and I have never seen God and His favor like we have in the last 8 months.  wow.  Favor in all things.  Finances, Healing, Revelation, and even more importantly with dynamic relationships.  I'm overwhelmed at the relationships that God has brought into Melissa and I's life.  They've been lifelines... helping us to see His goodness in the midst of every situation.

Generation One is coming along tremendously.  We are launching a summer mini conference series themed ::ACTIVATE:: .  I know this series is going to be powerful.  It's starting on June 24th and will follow in the months of July, August and September.  I'm looking forward to having guest Stuart Greaves from ONEthing in town as a guest speaker along with myself for this first event.  The Lord begin to speak to me that His church was about to have a breakthru in their identity.  He told me that if a message of His love and goodness could be released, that we would see unity between the generations and as a result renewal would be sustained.  As I continued to seek out what this would look like I began to be inspired with three essential expressions or movements that will be needed.  ACTIVATE. EMPOWER.RELEASE.  Each of these experiences represent upgrades to who we are and our effectiveness to actually live out a life of "greater things."

ACTIVATE:  This has everything to do with the presence of God.  I can only think of how powerful the experience of Moses was to actually dwell in the presence of the almighty God, but even greater to call Him friend.  Those who find Him in His presence will become His companion.  The presence is the beginning of our encounter that God is real.  In His presence we find out what He's really really like.  This leads to a message of Individual identity as it relates to God.  There is a strong reinforcement of the prophetic as well.  This helps us begin to see ourselves the way that God sees us.

EMPOWER: This experience is really about equipping believers with the understanding of how their call relates to their identity.  Strong teaching is needed on five fold ministry, spiritual gifts and corporate Identity.  This essentially is our toolbox to operate from.

RELEASE: This could have easily beeen mobilize if any other word.  It simply speaks of what it looks like to live a life that always has us in His presence.  Knowing who we are as well as knowing what tools we have to be a living demonstration of His goodness towards those in our realm of influence.   It's the sending that we're all called to on a daily basis and answers the question of "what does it look like to share the goodness as Jesus did, in our modern era?"  With truth and a supernatural experience.

I believe that the increase of young revivalists along with committed Father's and Mother's in this season will build a bridge for a sustained visitation like none other.

These are some of the core themes that resonate within Generation One and others.  I look forward to be a conduit for fresh streams to find their way into our region that we could see our city rise like never before.  What a great story it is going to be for us to share...

More to come soon...


Pocket Change and Gum Balls.

Gum balls.  Plastic Spiders.  Fake Tattoos or anything in a clear capsule with a difficult lid that was in a machine by the entrance or exit of a store.  The childhood $.25 machine must have candy and toys. I remember as a kid, the longing i had in my heart for these cheap, worthless, fall between the seats 20 minutes later experiences.   The only thing that stood between me and these blissful items was what was in my Dad's pocket.  His permission was usually in place but was conditional not on whether he had money in the bank, but whether he had change in his pocket to give me.  It was immediate gratification to place the quarter in the slot and turn the handle with three quick slotted turns. Then your eyes would follow the spiral trail from top to bottom, round and round leading to the plop of hitting the metal flap door and now... it was mine.  Unless of course my dad didn't have any change on him.  Then it still sat in the machine and we'd continue walking past with the spirit of the beggar rearing it's ugly head.  "PLLEAAAASE!"

Life is infused with paradox and is necessary for our existence.  What is a paradox exactly you may ask?  A paradox is the collection of two truths (or paradigms) that oppose one another but are contained within the same value to make it possible.  This is the origin of friction, tension, and energy.  Examples of paradox are found all over.  Left brain and right brain.  Marriage between a man and a woman.  Knowledge both subjective and objective. Northrop Frye said, "Freedom is not doing what you want, freedom is wanting to do what you have to do... this kind of freedom is always rooted in practiced habit." Economy is predicated on consuming and producing and on and on.  Life is built on paradox.  One of the challenges in life is embracing both sides of a paradox.  One without the other will always produce a lopsided or incomplete result.

Church is a building. Church is a body.

One is rigid and unchanging and the other is fluid and changing constantly.

It's Easter.  What a great time of honor and love.  I am forever grateful for what has been given on my behalf to live the life I do.  Within this seasonal experience, it's interesting to observe the behavior of "church as a building" and "church as a body".  Building as we'll call it, is gearing up for the great celebration and in the midst, usually begins it's call to  "body" to prepare themselves for the big bold invitations to fill up seats on Easter weekend.  It's understood that we are supposed to invite people to church (building). There's a great potential for people all over the world to be impacted as they come and experience  a side of God they may not know.  Our gatherings are phenomenal tools to spread the message of the kingdom, but is that the only tool we have to share about who God is?  I guess my desire is to make sure that we are reminded that inviting people to a gathering is only one side of the experience that we offer the kingdom of God within.  Considering our over solicited society, an invitation to attend something may actually connect only with a very overused and culturally numb part of the brain.

How do we invite people to the church as a body?

Jesus is a beautiful picture of the balance we are needed to walk in when it comes to display of the gospel.  Everywhere He went He carried the opportunity for someone to experience God in a way like they never had.  Right then.  When they encounter Jesus, they encounter God.  While foundational I know, why don't we see ourselves in the same light?  The invitation of the church as a body is simply an invitation to an experience with you, in that moment.  Who are you? As a believer, you are the temple of God.  A habitation of all of who He is.  You bear His name, His authority, His anointing, His LOVE and His thoughts through the power of the Holy Spirit.  While invitations to church as a building or a corporate gathering is a great thing, what if God is wanting to show himself in that personal moment?  What if we identified with our ability to impact that person and mark them with an encounter with God's love and goodness that they otherwise would never be exposed to? I'm not saying to impose, but God has great thoughts towards people, so what would it look like if we believed we could share these things?  We have His permission and the ability.

I look at it like the $.25 machines.  There's definitely money in the bank and we can definitely afford the quarter.  So do we invite people to the bank to recieve funds or do we prepare ourselves to always have money on us to give in the immediate moment.  There's nothing wrong with going to the bank to pay for the experience, but what if it's a moment that you could never duplicate and provide for.  What if the child is asking then... in that moment they desire to know the father as their provider but we are unprepared.   Even if it's a plastic spider they'll lose 20 mins later or a gum ball that will lose it's flavor in milliseconds, their encounter will always be remembered as a day of great childlike joy. The day the Father acknowledged them and said "Yes".


The Generation Of Greater Things or The Hopeless End?

The internet is POPPING with tons of blogs, articles, videos and status updates declaring that the world is falling apart or that the end of the world is coming.  It doesn't take much observation to see why people are responding the way they are with the natural disasters that pepper the last year's calendar.  No matter your faith world view or cultural world view, one thing most are agreeing on is that something significant is on our door step.  We're on a global bubble.  What happens when it pops?  The entire world is searching for answers.  As sectors of governments, markets and cities crumble at our feet, many are sitting and wondering where stable ground is.  What is going to remain if the social structure we all currently know breaks free like an ocean levee?

John wrote in his 14th chapter... "The person who trusts me will not only do what I'm doing but even greater things..."

One of the greatest values that is offered to us thru Jesus is that we are all able to operate from a place of victory, not just hoping for victory.    Those that have gone before us have toiled for quite a long time just trying to convince the church what this looks like.  Many generations of Christians have spent countless seasons of life in a lack of rest just because they don't really believe that we win in Christ.  Do we want to the "head" or the "tail".   

Jesus simply said that we would be not even just "like" Him, but that we would have the chance to do greater things.  If there's ever been a time in the earth that "greater" things are needed, it's today.  Our need for God is greater today than any other time in history.  

What's exciting is that we have a generation of young people that from a young age have been told that the walk of faith toward God leads to victory and great hope for our future, not us all running into the hills in fear over the big bad scary world.  A god that requires you to hide doesn't sound like a winning contender and this doesn't match what we know of the character of our God. 

I look back at my life, remembering all the incomplete stories and broken versions of how Christianity was supposed to work out in my life.  It was really depressing actually and not something people would acknowledge as "greater".  It wasn't a life of rest  or true peace and it really crippled my world view.  I needed to understand that the followers of Christ weren't going to be less visible in the times to come, but would rise to the occasion and lead.  Jesus made it possible for us to lead and be the example of life in the midst everything falling apart.  If we can't show the world what real peace is and where answers to the most difficult questions can be found... what's the point of living the life we do? 

I'm excited that we have generations rising all over the world that are not looking to hide, but looking to engage.  Looking to give... and more importantly looking to love unconditionally.  These are the core values that create the moments for greater things to be possible.  Young people, will you be a person in fear of the times or will you stand on the security of Jesus Christ?  It's sooo possible because it already IS.  It's time for the next generation to take their place!  Historically, the world shifts when youth unite for a cause.  Will your cause be responding in fear or will you respond with embracing a message of victory thru Jesus Christ and the life of greater things? YOU get to choose.  


ATTN Gen X: Business as UNusual

As a sports enthusiast, I love watching and playing within good competition.  There's just something great about contending and fighting for what you believe in... even if it's that you believe your team is better than another.  One of the greatest traps to dominating teams losing big games is that they generate a massive lead early on and begin playing "not to lose" rather than keeping their edge of attack that brought their lead in the first place.  This is similar to the business as usual mentality that creates a trap of being caught by surprise by elements you lost respect for in everyday life.  Generation X is rising in the ranks of influence and we are at a pivotal time of transition between the baby boomers and their children.

Blockbuster Video.  Borders Books. Automotive Big 3. Major Record Labels.  Big Banks & The Fed.  Business as usual found these on their knees begging for mercy.  Anything that grows quickly with mass appeal always finds itself at a pinnacle moment of either transitioning into what is becoming a redefining season or business as usual.  It's life and death are predicated on the choices made during these critical moments.  Some are obvious, others catch you completely by surprise.

Mega-churches.  I know.  Before you assume my position... please continue reading.  This is not a church bashing written effort.  I'm completely FOR the church.  Let's just ask a few questions and explore where we honestly are at.

There are 56 million people attending evangelical (mostly protestant) services at the 300,000 locations of worship country wide.  Over 50% of christians in the US are attending only 10% of the churches.  These churches represent attendance marks of 350 people or more.   The rise of the mega-church has found a visibility for the church unprecedented to times in the past.  More people giving financially into the same ministries have allowed churches to pay for the expenses it requires to make a little bit of noise and as a result continue with the popular trends of big box saturation.    As a result we have 30,000 leaders each week speaking to the majority of the protestant church.  30,000 people is a big number of people, but in contrast that's a speaker:listener ratio of 866:1.  WOW.  What great influence a relatively small amount of people have with the church on a weekly basis to speak into their minds and spirits.  It really is a massive responsibility.

While you could see this mass appeal to mega-church as  unifying process of people gathering under similar heart and worship, it also creates a peaking that if a shift happens quickly, over half of the protestant church could be shaken in a moment.  How would the church respond?  The signs in the world are that voices are being lifted and the earth is shaking. We have enemies that can't be seen, cries for social justice and freedom are no longer faint, financial deficits that will haunt for generations along with poor energy habits draining our remaining resources. We have more education in the world than any other age and yet we have less answers.  How long can we (baby boomers?) just turn our head? While it doesn't take a rocket scientist to wax the evident times we live in, there is a distinct reality of what God has allowed to happen in the earth.  All the fruit is ripening... Darkness and Light.

While Baby Boomers (age: 47-65)  are the predominate supporters of the mega-church movement, Gen Xers (ages: 28-46) are rising in influence and are kind of a handful.  They are stereotyped as full of pessimism, devil's advocacy and the need for proof.  Whether just a stereotype or not, the question I want to ask is with the BBer's doing mega-church business as usual, where will the Gen Xers take the church?  Will they support big budget church?  Mega-Church has been predicated on man made kingdoms thru new communications with celebrity leaders.  While the individualism (thank you self esteem movement :/ ) of celebrity leadership appeals to Gen X, they also want it to be authentic.  They really are caught between two realms.  Do you continue the current pattern of "success" that you didn't lead or embrace the next generation who is already making a stamp for a different pattern?   Gen Y or Echo Boom (ages: 11-27) is massively known for it's broader compassion, communal mentality and awareness for social justice. Collectivism is on the rise. Due to inheriting the financial sins of their fathers with little awareness of how it came to them, we know they will abhor most of current systems used to get us where we are today.  Let's face it, we are already seeing financial and governmental institutions  crumble to the ground.  So the institution of the church... how will it respond in this season?  Will BBers empower GX?  How will GX respond?

It's a pivotal time in the church.  A time of when generational unity is needed like never before.  While I see plenty of gaps in the foundation of the mega-church movement, you can't deny it's influence and power of massive corporate gathering.  My challenge is to Generation X.  The "nothing" generation.  The victim mentality generation that generally is ticked of and in need of a lot of approval that BBer's will probably never be able to satisfiy.  Gen X - It's time to step up and lead.  There's an identity crisis on our hands and we MUST have resolve.  There's an audience like never before and we have a responsibility to take it to the next level.  We MUST know who we are in Christ and be willing to count the cost.  The generation below us is rising with unity and are a new breed of leadership.  How will we handle being in the paradox of what the boomers established and what GY is already establishing.   With so few people having such large voices (866:1), when we speak it will be heard.  Will we take the church to places of new life? Even if there is a shift out of business as usual mega-church, what does business as UNusual within the mega-church look like?

I have great hope  and love for the church, but I am not ignorant of it's inadequacies.  I pray that we as a generation, turn our hearts to the ONE who does have the answers.  We are here and we can not be distracted by business as usual.   The shift is beginning and leadership is going to be needed like never before.  We can not play to simply not lose.  We must be forward in our thinking.  Anchored in the word of God.  Resisting individualism by living in extravagant giving and unconditional love.  It's our time to choose.  Who will we be and what will we be known for?

Event: The Call with Lou Engle will be in MI on 11.11.11 .  It will be a fantastic effort of rallying the state of MI to prayer and break thru for our area.  There is a rally entitled The Power Of You for this effort that Transformation MI, and Mt. Zion have collaborated on  March 18 & 19th.  You don't want to miss these times of gathering.  They will be powerful!

Where Love Is Possible.

Love is the answer to every person's desire in life.  I'm convinced.  Completely convinced.  It's in our DNA to desire to know love and to desire to give it away.  Even the greatest evils are simply perversions of the same love that brings healthy fulfillment.   I think if we were just more open to understanding the realms where love is possible... finding it would be less of a challenge.

The search for love consumes society.  We're obsessed with it. The storied history of mankind is saturated with the rise and fall of societies over love.  War has been started and solved over love.  It's amazing to see how the story of love has dominated our existence.   I remember pre-marriage dating and it wasn't a pretty sight.  I would fall pretty hard for girls and find myself acting out in ways that were so embarrassing.  Calling too many times, accidentally running into them in public (scAR-EE) and of course the worse demonstrations of all american macho.  All this to win the heart of a girl that might want to give love to me.  In our post-analog society, I can only imagine the trouble that clingy desperate dating prospects find themselves in these days.  Reality TV doesn't help either.   Trashy competitions and voyeur cameras deliver pressured responses without the trust and intimacy needed to create the environment for real love and yet... we watch.  Why do we watch?  Because if it works, we would lay down anything to try it too.   We're obsessed with finding love and willing to be open to any means it would take to experience what was created as the greatest life fulfillment.

Love defined is a challenge to come to. Much of society asks questions like:  Is love a feeling?  Is it a choice?  Is it sex alone? Is it something you're born with? Is it something that you mysteriously fall in and out of? Is it something you take?  I think there are so many questions because love defined as one thing would limit the world that love exists within.  It's so much bigger than what one word could describe.  It's power supersedes words and most people find themselves without them when they experience the purest version in their life to date.  We just know that when we find it, that nothing else matters.  We would give up anything for love.   I look at love as an ongoing revelation throughout our life.  Every relationship adding an experience that anchors our ability to love less conditionally.  While its nothing we can see or taste, most of us believe it's real because we've experienced it.  Those who struggle with it's possibilities have been soured by the love experience because someone mistreated them in the name of it.  Debates will rage on because if you've found love, you'd die for it and those who've not found it don't understand that sentiment.  It's that real and means that much.

So when is love possible?  Love can not exist without freedom and for ages people have decided it was worth dying for.  For the love of their country, Wael Ghonim and millions of Egyptians looked death in the eyes for 18 days, longing for the freedom their country deserved.  The greatest love stories of all time in popular literature, included death over love. Shakespeare's work all embodied this sacrifice.  Martin Luther King in love, ultimately giving his life for his brothers and sisters, inspired a revolution that brought the beginnings of equality in America.  The core value of America that makes us such a great nation is that within our freedom, our love can be experienced in the most diverse of realms with no limitations.  This makes the power of love to be as vast the atmosphere around us.  Love has no ceiling.  It take a free person to not create ceilings or limitation through control over people.   While SELF-control is needed in a freedom environment,  love can flourish when it's key values are in action.

The values of love are always going to be rooted in the desire to see the good of someone else.  Self awareness is the complete antithesis of love.  Love's DNA is made up with things like patience, honor, self-control, easily letting go of wrong, appreciating simple truth, preferring others over yourself, never quitting and passion for excellence.  It takes a free person to have patience.  It takes a free person to prefer someone over themselves.   Love becomes possible when we are not consumed by our own needs and attempts to be self sustaining.  Honesty is required here.  Love is not conjured or strived into existence... it is walked in.  It's identified with.  A love relationship is cultivated thru outrageous giving and worked out through trial and error.  All of it being added one layer at a time as we walk life out with the people around us.  Love is the answer to all of life's situations.  Be free to love and you'll find it'll be reciprocated because others are probably waiting on someone else to be first.

The writer John in his first epistle of the Bible, wrote this: And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him. 


God is the answer to every person's desire in life.  I'm convinced.  Completely convinced.  It's in our DNA to desire to know God and to desire to give Him away.  Even the greatest evils are simply perversions of the same God that brings healthy fulfillment.   I think if we were just more open to understanding the realms where God is possible... finding Him would be less of a challenge.  

The search for God consumes society...  We're obsessed with Him. The storied history of mankind is saturated with the rise and fall of societies over God.  War has been started and solved over God.  It's amazing to see how the story of God has dominated our existence.   I remember pre-marriage christianity and it wasn't a pretty sight.  I would fall pretty hard for God and find myself acting out in ways that were so embarrassing.  Calling too many times, "accidentally" running into Him in public (scAR-EE) and of course the worse demonstrations of all american macho.  All this to win the heart of a God that might want to give Himself to me.  In our post-analog society, I can only imagine the trouble that clingy desperate christian prospects find themselves in these days.  Reality TV doesn't help either.   Trashy competitions and voyeur cameras deliver pressured responses without the trust and intimacy needed to create the environment for a real God and yet... we watch.  Why do we watch?  Because if it works, we would lay down anything to try it too.   We're obsessed with finding God and willing to be open to any means it would take to experience what was created as the greatest life fulfillment. 

God defined is a challenge to come to. Much of society asks questions like:  Is God a feeling?  Is He a choice?  Is He sex alone  (a "perks" or "blessings" based relationship with no string attached)? Is He something you're born with? Is He something that you mysteriously fall in and out of? Is He something you take?  I think there are so many questions because God defined as one thing would limit the world that He exists within.  He's so much bigger than what one word could describe.  His power supersedes words and most people find themselves without them when they experience the purest version in their life to date.  We just know that when we find Him, that nothing else matters.  We would give up anything for Him.   I look at God as an ongoing revelation throughout our life.  Every relationship adding an experience that anchors our ability to love less conditionally.  While its nothing we can see or taste, we believe it's real because we've experienced it.  Those who struggle with it's possibilities have been soured by the God experience because someone mistreated them in His name.  Debates will rage on because if you've found God, you'd die for Him and those who've not found Him don't understand that sentiment.  It's that real and means that much.

So when is God possible?  God can not exist without freedom and for ages people have decided it was worth dying for.  For the God of their country, Moses and millions of Israelites looked death in the eyes for 40 years, longing for the freedom their country deserved.  The greatest God stories of all time in popular literature, included death over God. Jesus' work all embodied this sacrifice.  The apostle Peter ultimately giving his life for his brothers and sisters, inspired a revolution that brought the beginnings of the church to the world.  The core value of the church that makes us such a great nation is that within our freedom, our God can be experienced in the most diverse of realms with no limitations.  This makes the power of God to be as vast the atmosphere around us.  God has no ceiling.  It take a free person to not create ceilings or limitation through control over people.   While SELF-control is needed in a freedom environment, God can flourish when His key values are in action.  

The values of God are always going to be rooted in the desire to see the good of someone else.  Self awareness is the complete antithesis of God.  God's DNA is made up with things like patience, honor, self-control, easily letting go of wrong, appreciating simple truth, preferring others over yourself, never quitting and passion for excellence.  It takes a free person to have patience.  It takes a free person to prefer someone over themselves.   God becomes possible when we are not consumed by our own needs and attempts to be self sustaining.  Honesty is required here.  God is not conjured or strived into existence... He is walked with.  He's identified with.  Our relationship is cultivated thru outrageous giving and worked out through trial and error.  All of it being added one layer at a time as we walk life out with the people around us.  God is the answer to all of life's situations.  Be free with God and you'll find it'll be reciprocated because others are probably waiting on someone else to be first.  



I will be at CCC in Sterling Hts, MI with their Higher Ground Youth Ministry.  Many thanks to Pastor Tony Rea and Pastor Chris Rea for welcoming me in as their guest speaker!  My sister Jennifer Wrin is in town and will be leading worship tonight also.

 I'll be speaking tonight and focusing on the topic of Transformation and it looking like this:  “A renewed breed of Christians that are believing completely in who they are in Christ which is fueled by LOVE with no limits.”


Significance and Haiti '11.

Pastor Gerald Bataille and Myself
Well it's been a good couple weeks being home and seeing the continued layers of God's unfailing plan come together.  I recently spent a week in Haiti, and I'd love to share some of the highlights of the trip as well as some back story as to the friendships that I have there.

The intent of the trip was three fold.  First of all, we love our Haitian family- The Bataille's.  They are all so near and dear to our heart.  We love just spending time with them and supporting them in the endeavors that God has placed in their hearts, which is leading culturally and spiritually in the midst of what is many years and generations of brokenness.  (Let's remember that Haiti was in need before the earthquake.  The earthquake has just been a reminder to the world that their need still exists.)  The Bataille's and Pastor Gerald more specifically, have been meeting the needs of Haiti formally for over 40 years.   It's phenomenal to witness the example they are of life in the midst of so much poverty, mourning and mass chaos.

Junior and Joycelyn Bataille,  Myself
Some back story: We met Pastor Gerald Bataille and his family in the late 80's.  My parents were pastoring in KY at the time and after meeting Pastor Gerald through Dr. Nicholas Driever from Cincinnatti, OH, our hearts immediately connected.   Pastor Gerald's influence and favor with many people was growing so rapidly in Port-Au-Prince, that the current dictator oriented government felt that he and his church were a threat to their sovereignty,  (Any government established through force is always looking for those who would do the same to them) so after a few months of his seven children and his wife Keke, separating and living on the move at different safe locations for two days at a time, he decided to move them to the states.  There is a great and powerful story of God getting them miraculously through security with the favor of an employee at the airport they had never met before.  Long story short, they arrived in KY and we graciously accepted the chance to keep some of the children with us till the family was found a home of their own.  My parents were constantly giving myself and my siblings as children the chance to see the giving love of God in action.  This was one of those examples.  Little did we know, that the Bataille family would impact us greater than what we could ever give.  Their heart, strength and belief in the faithfulness of God in the midst of their distress would impact us for the rest of our lives.

              (main church in Port-Au-Prince)
Now 20+ years later, with Pastor Gerald not being able to leave the country, he has only recently been able to reunite with his children who spent the rest of their upbringing without him in their lives in the states.  Even while being separated from his family and suffering the tragic loss of his wife to a car accident in the states,  he did not waver from following after the things in his heart for Haiti. God has used him tremendously to be a voice to people who are hurting and literally needing  miracles on a regular basis to survive.  While obviously being a spiritual guide to many, his message of hope and direction has been focused on empowering the Haitian people to pursue their dreams and being willing to follow through on every detail of life no matter the resistance.  Whether in business, agriculture, education, or even government realms, Pastor Gerald's influence has been lifted to places of great inspiration.   He is a present example of believe that a new breed of Haitians are rising.  A new people who will not be oppressed and not held back whatever and wherever their lives lead them.  God's principles always work and living the gospel message should  take us to levels of influence in all realms.  Pastor Gerald's life is this and he compels others to believe in the same life.

Rose Bataille (center) with kids
You can't walk away from a conversation with this man about his journey and not feel like with God, you're invincible.  :)  it's truly inspiring.  From having numerous failed assassinations (these undercover military men have handed over their guns while weeping and asking for Gerald to lead them to the God that he serves as they had come to services and said some force wouldn't let them draw their guns) against his life, to the resurrection of his dead son, he has seen God do the unthinkable!    So considering the nature of man he is and family they are, its amazing to just spend time while visiting there and soak in that faith forward lifestyle and be inspired.

Secondly, my trip to Haiti was rallied around being able to meet some immediate needs within Pastor Gerald's numerous efforts in place to give to the people.  He has been apart of planting nearly 30 efforts inclusive of churches, schools and orphanages.  Creekside Ministries (my parent's church in Indy), myself, as well as a few others, all raised money to purchase and deliver new mattresses to one of the orphanages.  According to American culture, their sleeping conditions were outrageous and it was amazing to see their faces light up as they began to see the mattresses unload and be placed in their room.  They were going to have the most comfortable sleeping arrangement they had ever known.  Not foam, not rolled up blankets, not the floor and nothing make shift.  A real mattress.  It's amazing how the simplest thing can be so powerful.  What a blessed nation we are that a majority of us will never know a life that doesn't include a bed to sleep on.  We were also able to help provide finances towards the completion of their kitchen that was being developed.  Their current kitchen was the ground outside in cooperation with an open fire.  Not the most ideal when cooking for dozens of children everyday.  It was a couple of extraordinary days spent with kids that will change the way you look at life... forever.

While there, our time overlapped with another team from TEXAS that was partnering with the foundation.  Apparently everything in TEXAS is bigger, thus the all caps.  :)  Their organization represented is called R U 4 Children.  Great org, even greater people. It was pleasure meeting Michael, Philip, Meagan, Gina and Jenna!  Of their numerous efforts while there, one of them was overseeing the digging of a fresh water well for one of Gerald Bataille Foundation's  orphanages.  We had a blast connecting and serving together.   Texas is in my crosshairs.  We'll see if 2011 allows for it.

Thirdly, this trip was all about gaining heart for the need that makes the most sense to fill and not just be repetition of what is currently in place.  As this time of transition has been in place, Melissa and I have been allowing it to be defined one step at a time.  So we've been asking the question of whether we're to get involved or just let the nature of this Haiti connection be a couple of occasional trips and continued support to the Bataille family.  As a result it seems that there is more.  Once again it's a slow process and thoughts are being developed of what that looks like, but I'm very excited to see what could be.  In my two trips in the last four months, I've recognized the lack of hope that is engrained in their DNA passed from generation to generation.  Within that thought,  I've come to realize that the foundation of creativity is hope, so where there is no hope there is no place for the mind to imagine or express what could be bigger, brighter, softer or louder than the world they currently know.  With music being something that I love and have personally found a powerful connection with, I know the great things that happen within music.  You can get swept away to a whole new world by a great song or even experiencing the feeling of creating music that communicates something from your heart that no other outlet would allow.  Those who think in creative terms have to have this outlet or life just seems incomplete.  My conversations with Pastor Gerald are surrounded with thoughts about music education in his private schools, classes for adults at the churches and the possibility of sponsoring gatherings that teach song writing and creative expression as a whole.  Wouldn't it be cool to get all the dusty guitars and keyboards in America into the hands of children across Haiti and breath life into their creative minds and see new hope in a generation be birthed?  The orphanages are filled with children who are willing to be molded into whatever influence comes into their life.  Music could be an amazing bridge to their future.

All in all, I just want to share of the life that was just handed to me because of the country I was born in.  Significance is waiting to be encountered... and it lies waiting for all of us.  Will we just live our lives for our own good or will we surrender to a greater cause that produces something that will mark the generation after us?

I'll be communicating soon about how you can continue to be apart.  March should bring my next visit.


Life is ON! The year 2010 in review.

So I spend a lot of time putting thoughts together on this blog about things that I'm passionate about when it comes to the church and christianity as a whole, but I thought that I would take a few minutes to reflect on a year that is quickly fading into a memory that is 2010.  This should also answer a few questions that are getting asked over and over again like:  "So what are you doing now?".  :)  It's kind of a long read, but it's been a long and good year.

First thought is wow.  I'll look back at this year as one of the most influential years of the entire journey.  Time on earth is really short, so this year has really been about connecting with the purest intentions that Melissa and I were created with from the beginning when it comes to our purpose, overall worth and desires.  Dreams only live on when they are pursued and this year has created the chance for some of those to be realized.

January was a blur and I can say that the only thing I remember is rehearsing for the concert series in Peru. What a great effort that was to be apart of.   There's something about preparing for a massive effort that connects you to people for a lifetime it seems.  I'll hold those experiences for a very long time.   The concert series was an effort put together by Mt. Zion for Groupo Pacifico (TV station owned by the church in Lima, Peru) as a rally point for evangelism/outreach and overall connection back to the city of Lima as Mt. Zion continues to introduce themselves. (MZ recently took over the station operations after 44 years of great local ownership)  We learned 30 songs.  Yea, 30.  It was quite the undertaking, considering this was all volunteered time outside of the near 60+ hours a week of office hours/events and services with the church.  On top of that,  14 of them were in spanish.  I don't speak spanish, but with lots of exposure over my life, I felt comfortable taking on the challenge.  Thanks to Ruben and Ashley for helping me get my spanish singing into what seemed to be at least not disrespectful.    Here's one of my personal overall favs fromt the whole series (in english):   Me Tryin' To Rock :)

February and March brought a lot of mixed emotions for a couple reasons... Melissa was entering into the "grind it out" stage of pregnancy with baby Liam and I found myself literally stepping off the peru rehearsal/performance train and jumping onto another production with three weekends of performance scheduled for April (Passion of Mary).  Ephram turned two which seemed like a whirlwind, making me wonder how my little boy could be turning two already.  We also had put offers on over 30 houses in Rochester during the previous months.  Melissa and I had taken on three flip projects prior to this over the last two years and in doing so, found that we could really cut our living expenses by renting our current home (which was purchased at the peak of the bubble) and moving into a rehabbed foreclosure.  With Melissa growing up in Rochester and us usually making our way out there on weekends for food, friends and entertainment, we thought it would be a great move for our family as well.  Great parks, downtown Rochester, excellent proximity to anywhere north Oakland County and living in a subdivision all sounded great to us.

Our natural life and spiritual life are always parallel and in these two months, I sensed the Lord wanting us to prepare for expansion or "enlargement" (in  Christianese).  A word of partnership was also attached to this.   I was reminded of David during his pursuit of building the first temple and God speaking to him that he wasn't going to build God a house, but that HE was going to build David a house.  I felt that really resonate in my heart and mind.  "I'm (God) going to build you a house." I knew those sentiments would require a lot of faith to see come to pass.  I recall countless conversations with my close friend and brother Patrick, while at the office.  We would talk about the stirring of God and what it was that these new seasons might look like in our lives.  With their being no obvious avenues of change, anticipating expansion with everything that was currently in my life: family, ministry, friendships, future in general- seemed logical.

April came quickly with rehearsals and performances eating up extra time.  I was really heavy in my spirit this month.  It's funny how that when God plants inspiration in you, you somehow get it set in your mind that it should be happening quicker than it is.  Everything is a process.  Passion of Mary went off without a hitch.  Many people came to the numerous performances and was well received.  I enjoyed immensely the chance to get behind the camera for this.  I enjoy all the arts and have had exposure to most outlets, but acting is something that I had not tapped into very much in my later years.  I get why people love it so much.  Considering the need for doing a lot with a little, the supporting film segments played as transition to the live scenes  were great.  Meanwhile the delivery of Liam was a massive success. There's a "Record breaking" labor and delivery story attached to the event and has made many mothers jealous,  :)  so I'll let Melissa continue to share that one. What a joy to be the father of two sons and I couldn't be more proud.  With Liam born on April 22nd, I found myself at a closing for our new foreclosure project in Rochester on April 23rd.  Let extra time now be solely dedicated in a new direction... again.

May: Well if you don't know, I write a little music.  Over the last four years I've been working on honing my craft and learning from some great talents on what successful popular song writing looks like.  James Nichols and I  seem to collaborate well and we've partnered together on most efforts. I saw some new progress come to life in May with some of these investments.  So that was really exciting for me... Just so you know, I've written a lot of bad songs and if there's something to listen to, everyone will know about it.  :) Hopefully soon.  May also brought the spectacular chance to meet Graham Cooke and Jason Upton.  What great men of God.  Short story:  Melissa and I had arrived to the hotel in Indiana near the location for this conference and just two days prior had been told from the administrations that half the seats were still available and walkups were welcome.  They said they didn't expect to sell much more at the door.  When we arrived: SOLD OUT... But up walks a lady while we're at the table with two extra tickets.  Husband and friend could not make the weekend and she wouldn't take a dime for them.  ($80 a piece value) I appreciate the generous people who represent giving as Jesus would want it.  Lastly, on May 28th, I experienced one of the most inconvenient injuries to date in my short 31 years of living.  Tore my achilles along with a hairline fracture jumping off the back of a pickup truck :(.  Right ankle-no driving.  Let's keep in mind the pace of life Melissa and I are still engaged in here... I  would learn a lot of patience in the weeks ahead.

This leads to June being two things: Hobbling/begging for rides and finishing the Rochester Project.  July 4th was our target finish date so we were doing all we could to hit the date.  Mike T + crew even took time to help while in town visiting from Nashville, thanks again guys!  During this month I have journal entries sharing that September continuously was sticking out to me as a landmark.  I attributed it to the words set in place just a few months back of enlargement and partnership.  I had even had two people  initiate conversations that were significantly used in firming these thoughts.  I thank God for those who hear His voice and are willing to share it appropriately.

July 1st- not done with house, going to need two more weeks.  July 4th- great family trip to Milwaukee and Indy.  Birthdays, Graduations and Anniversary's celebrated.  ( These mid summer trips always surprise me at how much fun they turn out to be.  Lets face it... spending any vacation time driving 1100 total miles with an infant and toddler can seem a little daunting, but we love our families! :)  We eventually got done with Rochester Project and began moving.  (4) 16' trucks,  numerous SUV trips, one big Stage My Room liquidation sale, and two weeks time later, we were in.  Thanks to Kelly, Dan, Scooter, James, Brett, OG-Santiago, Joe and a few others I'm forgetting.  Thanks to Pops and Don for coming up for the landscaping cleanup extravaganza as well.  At the end of this month, Pastor Loren began to share with me some of the changes he was going to be making to young adult ministry.  Included in that was the ending season of me pastoring Generation One and the launch of 4:12 Exposed with a new team.  This was a beginning of what has been powerful transition in Melissa and I's life.  Enlargement was spoken and uncomfortable change was put into motion... "What was God doing?" was the only question to ask.

August was a difficult month.  Change was here.  I just thought that I would know so much more about what change looked like before it came.  I always did in the past, but i think that my growing faith in God's plan has allowed me to be okay with the process of truly being led of Him, rather than jumping off to the races in the initial moments of inspiration.  I had received a promise of enlargement six months earlier and now the natural would easily allow a spirit of complaining or discontent seap in and try to steal from what was actually happening.  Melissa and I made the decision that everything that we were going to do and say would be life giving.  God was working and we had to believe it!  A highlight of August was the union of the Rutter's!   We all embarked on another Frankenmuth adventure and it was a great time for the family to celebrate (and for me to be reminded about how bad I am at golf :).  Scott and Lauren's wedding was beautiful and we're continually excited to see all that is in store for their life.  We love you Scott and Lauren (my wife's sister and husband)!  At the end of the month, Robin Sullivan (radio DJ WMUZ) was a guest at our Open Mic Finals at The District.  This was my last scheduled event there as staff also part of the changes set in motion.  You can imagine the mixed emotions.  Not many people knew of the changes yet and my mind was filled that night with many memories and the obvious question of what's next?  That night it became my understanding that there could be an opportunity to pursue the morning show for WMUZ.  This came out of thin air and considering all the unknowns, it seemed golden in it's timing.  Drew Neal, radio DJ?

September came like a flood.  Change had consumed our thoughts and with weddings, house projects and moving all out of the way, it was time to push on doors and see what God had.  Final Gen One service was Sept. 4th.  It was a challenge.  I had to speak and it had to be life giving.  While I knew God was doing something good, its difficult to communicate information that makes sense to everyone when there aren't comfortable answers to obvious questions.  I had the feeling after the service that all the young adults didn't know what was going on and they didn't.  I didn't know what was going on, so how could they?  Change is very difficult, even if it's God's leading.  The first two weeks of September, I found myself behind the mic, seeing if I had enough raw talent to compete in the 8th largest christian radio station in the nation.  Talk about pressure.  Ha!  I'm always up for a challenge and I had an absolute blast.  I'm really grateful for the opportunity that I was given.  Many thanks to all those involved.  After that, the waiting game came into play to hear from the radio station. Pastor Loren had some brief thoughts about the  new place he would place me within the staff but gave me the liberty to think and pray about those things considering the radio opportunity.   We agreed that it could be a good thing if materialized before I jumped in.   So, I'm sitting in an office daily and waiting on God to open doors.  "Enlargement...  Partnership... where are you?  God, what do you want to be for me now, that I never knew you could be before? (thx Graham) Show me where your goodness awaits Melissa and I."

Back in may, while at the conference in Indiana, Graham had told us of another conference that was happening at his home church, The Mission in Vacaville, CA - September 23rd-25th.  In July I had bought a plane ticket to go out there. One ticket.  Considering the season that was coming, finances needed to be used wisely, so it was logical that Melissa would stay home with the boys.   Monday Sept. 6th, while in prayer the Lord spoke to me that Melissa needed to be going on this trip.  Wow.  I would love for her to go, but finances didn't make sense.  I've learned lately that God never goes through a recession and always has funds available.  :) So I told the Lord if He pays for her ticket, I'll take care of the rest, we just didn't have the money.  Four hours later, someone was handing me a check for $400 saying the Lord told them to give it to me.  My plane ticket and rental car costs in July: $385.  This was the beginning of God letting us know on a new level that provision was from Him and He was aware of our needs.  California was amazing.  We've never witnessed a more faith forward, empowered, loving community of believers... ever.  While there, words of enlargement and partnership were confirmed and reiterated.  It was amazing.  These people have never met us, yet the Lord was speaking to them exactly what was in our heart.   I love the goodness of God experienced thru the prophetic.  We were so blessed by this family of people and are thankful for the friendship we've encountered there.

Oct. 2nd the radio station graciously informed me about their decision to hire Chris Stevenson.  "Ok, that's not what God has" I told myself.  My conversation with Pastor Loren that day, brought me to the place of not feeling the new thoughts towards a different staff position at the church, were the answer to what was in our hearts.   I committed to finding out what the journey looks like outside of that and it was definitely a scary moment.  It's scary letting go of security and all that is comfortable.  It was my last day in the office.  The rest of that month came quickly with opportunities to minister at other churches as a guest speaker and in a whirlwind, after lunch with Dominic Russo... I was 8 days out from going to Haiti.  Haiti marked me.  you can read the blog on my Haiti trip HERE.  The Lord had told me that He would pursue me.  It seemed these opportunities were coming after me, so I said yes to all of them.   Enlargement and Partnership...   On a family note, we were really enjoying our new home.  Fall was setting in and things just felt really right to live there.  It was starting to become home.  Liam had his first halloween and both of the boys were adorable.  It was so nice to have a neighborhood we could go out in and have familiar people to enjoy the night with house to house and this will only grow.  We're blessed with kind neighbors.

November came with me connecting with anyone and everyone that was willing to connect.  Had the great chance to connect with many churches and their leaders.  I have a strong desire to broaden my understanding of where the american church sits right now.  These meetings really helped getting that perspective for our area.  Great favor was going before me with so many people,  believing enlargement was here and that partnership was being defined.  Scott and Lauren got their house! and it just so happens to be 12 houses down from us!  It's so great being close to one another.  I built them a mantle for their mantleless tile hearth and they did lots of cosmetic upgrades.  The house looks fantastic.  They are so blessed with a great first home.  Melissa and I also got to host Thanksgiving for the first time in our 8 year marriage!  It was seriously the best thanksgiving we've ever had.  Thanks to Mom and Dad, Jess along with Jen and Tony for being willing to drive up.  It was so special.  Wii and our little dance parties were so fun.

December means Christmas.  We really enjoyed this time with the boys.   We found many simple ways to get great presents for them and family really blessed them also.  The creative juices are flowing and it seems some good things are coming in place to help support whatever the mother ship gets defined as.  December birthed a new direction in the book that I'm writing.  May take longer, but makes sense to do considering what God is doing behind the scenes.  I'm also working on a short film project that will be released in episodes.  The music written over the last bit will hopefully support the films as well.  These shorts will be creative stories filled with thought provoking monologue and music videos.  These will be great tools in furthering a message that will be meant to bring life to many people who are empty inside.  Along with that, Haiti is capturing my heart. I found myself visiting once again at the end of the month and  I believe the Lord is asking me to get involved.  We'll see what it gets defined as... but I'm really excited to see this as a beginning of many countries that God will allow me to have influence in.  Most good things in life are not instant.  My trust in God's plan is not one that is filled with hope only... but dedication to see what is invisible become visible. It takes a lot of hard work.  We're up for the challenge.

Our greatest desire and call, I believe lies within the future of the church.  I know God is doing something new and alive.  It looks completely different than anything that we've experienced before.  It's time for upgrade. The rejection of God in modern times I believe is a reflection of the greater need for the church to be more effective.  It's not about being wrong... it's just time to upgrade.  The central theme of my ministry will rally around the cause of the body of Christ experiencing this transformation.   We've been only church minded.  We've seen the church as a destination and not a launch pad.  We've operated purely out of functional value and abandoned relational value.  We asked the question of how does what God is doing today fit within the church?  Rather than how does the church fit within what God is doing in the kingdom.   It's a great time of discovery and walking by faith.  I ask that you continue to pray for my family and I as God continues to open up the doors that will define the avenues in how that is expressed.  2010 was a great year.  2011 will bring the skin to the bones and my expectation is of the greatest. Enlargement and Partnership!  Thank you to the many people who have sown in faith into mine and Melissa's life this year.  It's really been unforgettable and we are forever grateful for your generosity.